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Paddleball Code of Conduct

Statement of Intent
These guidelines provide the framework for dealing with tournament related breaches of discipline by players and officials in a consistent manner.
NOTE: These are guidelines only, and are subject to variations in application based upon circumstances, severity and other factors. In dealing with breaches of discipline, all factors are to be considered, including who the initiator is. However, players are expected to use restraint when confronted with poor behavior directed at them and must deal with it in a non-violent, non-aggressive manner, such as reporting it to the Head Referee or the Tournament Director. Therefore retaliation “in-kind” will be considered a breach of discipline as well.

To preserve the image and integrity of the sport of Paddleball and to promote sportsmanlike conduct and good behavior in tournaments and Paddleball events, such as PowPows and exhibitions.

This Code of Conduct and Penalties Guideline applies to violations occurring at tournaments sanctioned by the PFA and tournaments where the tournament directors for those specific tournaments have agreed to and support this COC and Penalties Guideline.

Penalties Definitions

Unsportsmanlike Penalty – At the discretion of the Head Referee, these violations may involve the deduction of point(s) or loss of serve in that game. There may be a warning prior to the first offense. A log of Unsportsmanlike Penalties will be maintained by the PFA Discipline Committee (DC).  Unsportsmanlike points are accumulated as COC violations are enforced. One point is assigned for each unsportsmanlike penalty. When the number of points in a given match reaches three, the player shall be disqualified from the tournament. Unsportsmanlike Penalties will be carried over throughout the tournament and for all tournaments for one year. Disciplinary action may be taken when the number reaches three over the course of one year. Examples of actions deemed to meet the criteria for Unsportsmanlike Penalties are listed in COC #1.

Match Disqualification Penalty – Results from a player accumulation of Unsportsmanlike Penalties or single incident of blatant behavior. A player who receives his/her third Unsportsmanlike Penalty during a match shall be disqualified from that tournament and his/her behavior reviewed by the DC for possible suspension. A log of Match Disqualification Penalties will be maintained by the DC. Match Disqualification Penalties will be carried over for one year and taken into consideration for possible additional suspension or lifetime ban, if applicable. Examples of actions deemed to meet the criteria for blatant behavior warranting a Match Disqualification Penalty or suspension are listed in COC #2.

COC #1 – Unsportsmanlike Penalty
The following actions are examples of unsportsmanlike behavior warranting consideration for an Unsportsmanlike Penalty. Note, these are examples only. The Head Referee will determine if a specific action is to qualify for an Unsportsmanlike Penalty:
1. Disputing the rulings of any official in an aggressive or otherwise inappropriate manner.
2. Continuing to argue after an appeal has been ruled.
3. Throwing any object onto the playing area during the progress of the game or during a stoppage of play.
4. Trash Talking during play or between plays.
5. Taunting or inciting an opponent.
6. Using obscene, profane, abusive or threatening language or gestures directed at an opponent, official or spectator.
7. Creating a disturbance during the game.
8. Hitting the ball in a belligerent manner after the play is over.
9. Intentionally slamming or throwing the paddle against a wall or floor.
10. Is deliberately not ready to resume play after 10 seconds.

COC #2 – Match Disqualification Penalty
The Head Referee, after consultation with other officials and consulting with the tournament director, and taking into account all the facts, may determine that a blatant violation warrants an immediate tournament disqualification. The following are examples of behavior warranting a Match Disqualification Penalty:
1. Persists in any course of conduct for which he/she has previously been assessed an Unsportsmanlike Penalty.
2. Touches or holds any official with his/her hand or paddle. (Not including inadvertent non-confrontational contact.)
3. Attempts to continue an altercation after having been ordered to stop, or resists an official in stopping the altercation.
4. Deliberately inflicts physical harm, or attempts to do so, to any game official, players or spectator.
5. Intentionally throws his/her paddle, if done in protest of an official’s decision, or in a manner that endangers the safety of any person.
6. Behaves in any manner that is critically detrimental to the conducting of the game, such as spitting at an opponent, spectator, or game official, or verbally threatening a game official or opposing player with physical harm.
7. Continuing to use, after being warned, obscene, profane, abusive or threatening language or gestures directed at an opponent, official or spectator.
8. Verbal Abuse – Uses language that is offensive, hateful or discriminatory in nature anywhere on the court before, during or after the game.
9. Interferes in any physical manner with any game official in performing their duties.

COC #3 – Alcoholic Beverages – The open use of alcoholic beverages by any player, referee or lines-person is prohibited while the tournament is in progress. A warning shall be issued and any subsequent violations by the same individuals shall result in disqualification from the tournament and further review by the DC.

COC #4 – Paddleball Disciplinary Committee (DC) Suspensions Guidelines
NOTE: When three Unsportsmanlike or a single Match Disqualification penalty is assessed, this suspension guideline should be reviewed for possible suspension. These are guidelines only and sanctions must take into account all of the factors, including circumstances of the incidents, past history of the player and severity of the violation. All offenses shall remain on the player’s permanent record. They are not removed after one year.
1. Physical contact with an official:
1st offense: 2 years suspension. No appeals can be made.
2nd offense: Lifetime ban. No appeals can be made.

2. Physical contact with another player:
1st offense: 1 year suspension. Appeal permitted.
2nd offense: Lifetime ban. No appeals can be made.

3. Verbal Abuse – DC will review extent of verbal abuse:
a. Towards an official:
1st offense: 3 months suspension. Appeal permitted.
2nd offense: 6 months suspension. Appeal permitted.
3rd offense: Lifetime ban. Appeal permitted.
b. Towards another player:
1st offense: 1 month suspension. Appeal permitted.
2nd offense: 2 months suspension. Appeal permitted.
3rd offense: Lifetime ban. Appeal permitted.